Frequently Asked Questions

What is Circumcision?

Male circumcision is removing the foreskin from the human penis. The foreskin is opened in the most common procedure, adhesions are removed and the foreskin is separated from the glans. After that, it is possible to place a circumcision device and then cut off the foreskin. Topical or locally injected anesthesia is sometimes used to reduce pain and physiological stress. General anesthesia is an option for adults and children, and the procedure can be performed without a specialized circumcision device.

How much does a circumcision cost?

The price for infants and adults varies. Additionally, the price for adults varies further depending on whether it is a new or revised circumcision and whether general anesthesia is required. For more information, please contact our office.

How is the circumcision procedure done?

In surgical circumcision surgery, which takes 25 minutes and is performed under simple painless local anesthesia. You will be kept under observation for 3 hours after the surgery. You can easily walk home after that. In the method of alisklamp circumcision, it is done in 15 minutes and after another 15 minutes of observation, you can walk home. This is also done under mild local painless anesthesia.

Is a pre-surgery blood tests required?

Laboratory tests are required for surgical circumcision (click here for details) No pre-examination is required for alisklamp circumcision, but we need a re-examination. You can combine the consultation with your appointment for circumcision and it takes about 30 minutes.

How long is the recovery time?

You will be able to walk and travel with minor discomfort immediately after the procedure. We recommend that your activity is kept to moderate levels for the first week, including limiting the amount of exercise you do. Usually, after four to six weeks, sexual activity can resume. When can I join the Circumcision office? Usually, one day's rest after circumcision is sufficient (surgical), in the case of Alisklamp circumcision, there is no rest required.

Best Stitchless Circumcision Surgery in Surat and Gujarat

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